Welcome to the Call of the Wild Zoo!

Our aim is to inspire future generations to protect and conserve the planet. We share this planet with some extraordinary species and ecosystems that we must work together to protect. In doing so we must create an awareness and appreciation to facilitate support for conservation, that is currently under threat.

  1. Animal experiences

    Untitled Design (11)
    • Get closer than ever with our unforgettable animal experiences!
  2. Party & Room Hire Packages

    Kai On Soft Play
    • Celebrating a birthday or special occasion? Make it unforgettable with our party packages!
  3. Online Shop

    Website Adoption Pack
    • Find our incredible products online!

Latest News...

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    Asia Build- Phase One

    Follow our progress as we build phase one of our brand new Asia section. This will be the new habitat and home to our otters and binturong as well as welcoming many new faces and arrivals in the coming months.


Meet our animals

See what amazing animals we have here at Call of the Wild Zoo!

Find out more


Childminder Passes

If you are a childminder and looking for something to do with the kids come rain or shine, then sign up to our membership to allow a year full of visits! 


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Educational Visits

Here at Call of the Wild Zoo we offer opportunities to educate pupils through our educational programs and activities whilst having a fun day out meeting some of our animals!  



Let's talk!

Call us on 01245 324043

*during zoo opening hours